This service is designed to fulfill your needs for safe and financially beneficial financial products at the right time, using our three resources of recommendations, tools and knowledge. These resources will also help you to stay away from investing in harmful financial products, which usually drag down long-term returns for most investors. Nevertheless, even after using these resources, if you have any queries, you can use this forum. However, while doing so, please bear in mind the following:

1. Confidentiality guaranteed: Your questions and answers cannot be viewed by others just as you cannot see those of other subscribers.

2. Information, not advice: All one-to-one queries would in the nature of information. They are not investment advice as defined by the Investment Adviser regulations of the Securities and Exchange Board of India.

3. Typical queries: Financial Products are complex. The pros and cons of different financial products leave us even more confused. We will clarify them for you.

4. View on existing portfolio: As you start your investment journey through us, do you need to know what should be done with what you have already invested in? You will get quick Hold or Sell recommendations but we will not be able to offer detailed explanations behind our recommendations. These would be our opinion on your investments, not investment advice, which would require a complete assessment of your entire financial situation as defined by IA regulations of SEBI.

5. Limitations: We may not be able to answer queries on non-financial matters or financial products that you have not bought and have only a theoretical interest in. We will not be able to answer questions on projects, financial products, stock ideas, formulae or theories of your choice, looking for better investment outcomes. We have done a lot of in-depth work on financial products that are beneficial and we are continuing to do so in your interests, which is reflected in our recommendations. We expect our members to take advantage of them and fix their finances, forever.

6. Keep the queries separate: Please do not combine queries of different topics such as insurance, stocks, tax etc. Please ensure queries are posted topic-wise because they go to different experts. If you combine queries under different topics, our response will get very delayed.

7. Other resources: Moneylife Foundation runs three helplines. For tax queries, go to http://moneylife.in/taxhelp , for credit card/ CIBIL scores, go to http://moneylife.in/credithelp and for legal issues go to http://moneylife.in/lrc

Important: The interactions in Ask / Handholding offers information on investment products and also clarifies your doubts about various financial products. It is a forum for information, not for advice.

Unfortunately, we keep getting questions about which specific stocks and funds to buy and sell and how much to buy, whether we can add additional money now that the market is down etc. We cannot answer these queries, due to stringent SEBI regulations. In fact, in a recent case of settlement, Stallion Asset, had to pay up a huge settlement penalty, even though experts feel the firm was not in the wrong. Please see https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/markets/research-analyst-cannot-provide-model-portfolio-services-sebi/article65411050.ece

We believe the stock and fund selections, and timing service, that we provide is sufficient to build long-term wealth. We request you to kindly cooperate with us.

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Dear Investor,
In case of any grievance / complaint :
  • Please contact Compliance Officer Pankaj Raheja at [email protected] and Phone No. - 91-22-35131664.
  • You may also approach CEO Debashis Basu at email- id [email protected] and Phone No. - 91-22-35131664.
This is a research service offered by Moneylife Advisory Services Private Limited , a SEBI-registered portfolio manager (INP000006873), having SEBI-registered research analysts on its rolls. The research presented here is not investment advice. The research recommendations and none of the data and company information presented constitute a legally binding recommendation or a solicitation of any offer to buy or sell any securities. Although information has been obtained from and is based upon sources we believe to be reliable, we do not guarantee its accuracy and the information may be incomplete or condensed. All opinions and estimates constitute our judgment as of the date of the report and are subject to change without notice. Information presented is general information that does not take into account your individual circumstances, financial situation, or needs, nor does it present a personalised recommendation to you. Individual securities recommended may not be suitable for you. Please read the terms and conditions before subscribing.