Investing: Nowhere to hide
Managers of other people’s money are going through very difficult times, across the world. The global economy is going through such a turmoil...
R Balakrishnan | 27 February 2014
Lazy investing
A very valuable lesson in investing I learnt was from the father of one of my friends. His basic advice was that I should buy two residential houses....
R Balakrishnan | 27 February 2014
Corruption & Investing: The many shades of grey
Does the corruption we see around us matter to us in any way whilst chasing an investment strategy? Assuming that everyone is corrupt, in principle,...
R Balakrishnan | 27 February 2014
Stock Selection: The most important number
I strongly believe that the single most important number, at least for me, when considering investment in stocks, is return on equity or RoE (this is...
MAS Team | 27 February 2014
The reality of real estate
Would like to share a real-life experience in real estate investing. In 2007, I had booked an apartment in a premium project called...
MAS Team | 27 February 2014
Apple or Toyota of retail finance? Impossible!
The other day I got an email from one of our readers saying: “I want to bring to your attention how bogus these online term insurance plans...
Debashis Basu | 27 February 2014
Stock Selection: Focus on the India-focused
Many Indian companies, in the past few years, have witnessed increased offshore revenues. I do not know whether it is a good thing for those who...
MAS Team | 27 February 2014
The biggest ongoing financial scam
All discussions on retail investment products are focused on insurance, various mutual schemes, stocks and fixed income products. How naïve. Well,...
Debashis Basu | 27 February 2014
Systematic investment plans: Sipping flexibly
In our Cover Story “SIP Smartly” (issue dated 28 June 2012), we advised our readers not to invest through a systematic investment plan...
Jason Monteiro | 27 February 2014
Pushing gold, without knowing the risks
It has been around for thousands of years, does not decay and is widely seen as a store of solid value and a hedge against inflation. More and more...
Debashis Basu | 25 February 2014
Regulation: Not for mutual benefit
The recent moves of the Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) have left a sour taste in the mouth of mutual fund distributors and investors....
MAS Team | 25 February 2014
Global Funds: Lacklustre performance
Global funds are a category of Indian mutual fund schemes that invest in foreign securities and/or foreign funds. Most of them were launched during...
MAS Team | 25 February 2014
How to Pick Stocks Better
Most of us believe that equity mutual funds deliver average returns. In the earlier days, they were able to deliver above-average returns due to...
R Balakrishnan | 25 February 2014
What are mediclaim without maternity benefits?
A mediclaim insurance policy ensures that your medical expenses are reimbursed by the insurance company.
MAS Team | 23 July 2013
What are mediclaim with maternity benefits?
Maternity benefits of mediclaim product pay for normal and caesarean delivery up to a specific limit.
MAS Team | 23 July 2013
What are critical illness policies?
Critical illness product is offered by life insurers and non-life insurers. If your family has a history of serious ailments, or your lifestyle is...
MAS Team | 22 July 2013
What are super top ups?
What is the use of top-up and super top-up? It is one way to get additional health insurance cover. If you were to buy a separate cover, it may be...
MAS Team | 22 July 2013
SIP smartly 1: Testing the infallibility
All mutual funds encourage you to invest through SIPs. They promote it strongly, running campaigns for distributors to meet new SIP targets. It is...
MAS Team | 02 April 2013
SIPping smartly 2: When Did SIP Fall Behind?
All mutual funds encourage you to invest through SIPs. They promote it strongly, running campaigns for distributors to meet new SIP targets because...
MAS Team | 02 April 2013
SIPping smartly 3: When do SIPs Work?
Mutual fund distributors always harp on infallibility of investing through SIPs.
MAS Team | 02 April 2013
Dear Investor,
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In case of any grievance / complaint :
- Please contact Compliance Officer Shraddha Mhatre at [email protected] and Phone No. - 91-22-35131664.
- You may also approach CEO Debashis Basu at email- id [email protected] and Phone No. - 91-22-35131664.